Summer is here and football is just around the corner. It is important we are in the weight room this summer.. Championship Training will Start June 1, 2010 and run from 7-830 Monday-Thursday. Fridays the weight room will be open 7-8AM as make up days. The goal is 31 total workouts for the summer to become an "iron cardinal". This is important in being successful on the football field in the fall.
HS Camp dates are;
June 7-11 from 6-8PM and July 26-30 from 6-815. Be there before 530 for equipment.
JH Camp week is July 26-29 from 4-530pm
7 on 7 in Lockwood is on June 5. The cost is $10.
7 on 7 at NEO in Miami is on June 26. The cost is $10 + food.
7 on 7 in Monett on Tuesdays. June 15, 22, and 29. We will leave Miller HS around 445-5PM on those nights.
I look forward to seeing all of you this summer.
See Coach Baldwin for a full summer schedule